Keifer Jennings



Keifer Jennings is an analyst at ArcadeVentures. A Web3 focused VC fund targeted at building early stage startups in the interoperability space.

What does Keifer Do?

As a project analyst, Keifer performs Due Diligence on prospective Web3 products built on blockchain to guide investment and tokenomics decisions for early stage startups and projects.

Keifer’s Background

Prior to crypto, Keifer was a project manager in the utility energy space where he oversaw the development and deployment of this nations infrastructure and led investment decision making and due diligence for utility scale infrastructure developments.

Keifer got his start in crypto in the spring/early summer of 2020 when some very good friends of his convinced him not to buy a sports car and to instead buy some bitcoin and ethereum. Keifer had always been disenchanted with the centralized nature of financial markets (you can read his assessments of this and its failings on his substack), and found himself becoming more and more interested with what could be built within the crypto space and the potential for users to have access to freer, fairer, faster, and more transparent financial utilities, and the bull market of 2021 was when he started to really fall into the rabbit hole of DeFi.

Where can I find Keifer?

Keifer’s primary presence online is on his substack, where he writes a minimum of 8 times a month about central bank policy, the price of money, and how this impacts the crypto markets. He has been writing since late 2021.